Constitution and Bylaws


The name of this organization shall be the Pepperell Garden Club of Pepperell, Massachusetts.

ARTICLE II – Purpose

The purpose or mission of this organization shall be to provide beautification to the Town of Pepperell, and to increase appreciation and awareness of horticulture, landscape and floral design, gardening and environmental concerns.

ARTICLE III – Membership

Any resident of Pepperell or its surrounding area is eligible for membership upon payment of $20.00 annual dues. Every member is expected to participate in one or more PGC committees during the course of the membership year (September to June). The Pepperell Garden Club shall not permit in their conduct of club affairs, any restriction or limitation whatsoever based upon race, color, creed, gender, and national origin or employment status.

 ARTICLE IV – Meetings

The Pepperell Garden Club shall meet once a month except for the months of July and August.

ARTICLE V – Officers

Officers of this organization shall consist of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, and may also include secondary officers and a communication facilitator.

The president shall appoint a person to serve as program chairperson. This shall be known as the Board. The Board shall meet at least three times each year. The president shall be the chief officer and preside at all meetings. The vice-president shall preside in the absence of the president, and in case of the latter’s resignation shall succeed her in office. The VP shall serve as Membership Chairperson.

The secretary shall keep the minutes in detail of all the meetings and Board meetings conduct all official Club correspondence and act as custodian of all Clubs records.

The treasurer shall act as custodian of all Club records, handle all Club funds, and pay all bills approved by the Board. She shall present a full report at each meeting of receipts and expenses, and report the balance on hand. She shall be selected for her business ability.

The program chairperson shall choose three members of the Club to assist her and they will be responsible for planning the programs to be presented to the Club.

ARTICLE VI – Term of Office

Officers shall be elected for a term of two years and shall not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office with the exception of treasurer.

ARTICLE VII – Nomination and Election of Officers

The nominating committee shall consist of three members. The chairperson is appointed by the president. Two additional members shall be appointed by the chairperson. The committee will submit a slate of officers for the ensuing year at the June meeting, at which time elections will be held. There shall be a single slate of officers with privileges from the floor.

ARTICLE VIII – Committees

Every member is encouraged to participate on one or more committees. Each committee will select their own chairperson.

ARTICLE IX – Dissolution – Assets

In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of the organization shall, after payment of necessary expenses, be distributed to such organization as shall qualify under Section 501( C) (3) of the internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal Tax Law or to the Federal Government, a State or Local government for public purpose, subject to the approval of a court of competent jurisdiction within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any assets shall revert to the North Middlesex Regional High School Scholarship Fund for students wanting to pursue an education in the Agricultural and/or horticultural field.

ARTICLE X – Amendments

This constitution can be amended at any meeting of the Club by a vote of two-thirds of those present, providing written notification of the proposed amendment has been sent to the entire membership.

There will be a fee of $3.00 per meeting for all seniors (age 65 and older). All other guests will pay $5.00 per meeting.

By-law Amendment History

Article II, Purpose, Amended 9/13

Article III, Membership, Amended 9/77, 6/78, 9/81, 4/82, 5/88, 9/95, 9/13, 9/16

Article IV, Meetings, Amended 9/13

Article V, Officers, Officers, Amended 9/92

Article VI, Term of Office, Amended 9/13

Article VII, Nomination and Election of Officers,

Article VIII, Committees Amended 9/13

Article IX, Dissolution – Assets, Amended 9/77, 9/16

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